Discover a world of crocheted characters in this playful collection of amigurumi patterns. How would you like to play dress-ups with Amity the Adventurer? You could keep busy with Myrtle Bee or go fruit-picking with Ruby Grapefruit. Travel across the globe to meet dolls in their county's traditional dress. Go on a safari together with some wild animal friends, saying hello to the Cactus Girls en route. You are sure to find something unique to make for someone special. Brought to you by Australian designer, Clare Cooper, each pattern comes with full written instructions and lots of helpful photographs to guide you on your amigurumi journey. Featuring charming hand embroidered features, Clare's designs are sure to inspire and delight children and adults alike. Grab your crochet hook and join us on a creative adventure to bring these adorable characters to life!
Amigurumi Adventures
YAZAR Clare Cooper
EBAT 21,6 x 28 cm